MARY MAGDELENE via Mercedes Kirkel – Experiencing Higher Dimensions – by Love Has Won –

Higher Density Blog

Image result for MARY MAGDALENE


By Mercedes Kirkel

Question: Throughout my life I’ve had wondrous experiences that lasted from a few seconds to three-and-a-half days. I call them my “real life” experiences. Since you talk about dimensions, maybe I have to look at it as if I lived in those moments in another dimension.

Mary Magdalene: Yes.

Questioner: How I explain it is that I saw the building blocks of the universe in everything and it was pure oneness, pure love, pure God. I also ask, “So what? What do I do with that?”

Mary Magdalene: It does sound like you were experiencing higher dimensions. Those kinds of experiences can be gifts. They can be given as a window, a taste, to support what you might call inspiration for further growth. If they do not last it is a sign that there is more foundational work to do for those to become…

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AWAKENING 5D HEALING – Message for Light Warriors – All Systems Go – 5-31-18

Higher Density Blog


Starseed, volunteers, indigo, crystal and rainbow children are lighting up the planet. Spread far and wide, our mission is to raise the vibrations from ground zero. We have each agreed to do this. We experience life as a human, with the usual amnesia to establish a fair playing field. However this is not a normal lifetime. There is nothing about 21st century planet earth that is normal. The focal point for a war of frequencies that has ravaged humanity physically and karmically for thousands of years. We have arrived at the epie centre of a profound transformation. Normal rules don’t apply. Gaia the goddess spirit inhabiting planet earth has chosen to ascend to higher planes of existence. As she transcends she is taking the planet and her people with her.

Thanks to

Prophesied across galaxies for eons, this momentous time is etched in the stars…

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Courage to Connect

Moments with Millie

I visited my elderly client today. He is super shy at 85. Every time I get to the facility I find him alone in his room with the door close. I took him out for a ride which was delightful even with all the rain. We stopped at McDonalds and he had a strawberry shake. He said he hadn’t drank one in decades. He talked about drive-in movies and shakes and other super sweet memories.

In one of our many conversations, as he struggles with memory lapses, I asked him if he was always this shy? He said he was. Then he looked at me and asked if I was always this courageous. I laughed.

“Courageous? At what?”

“At speaking out. At going up to people and talking to strangers? I bet you have always been this way.”

I admitted that as a child I was super shy. In my…

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Accelerated Ascension: Life On The Cosmic Road – Denise Le Fay

Courtesy of HighHeartlife

Accelerated Ascension: Life On The Cosmic Road

Not that this needs repeating but, April and May 2018, wow! Do you still have hair? Skin? How’s your continually upgrading CNS (central nervous system)? Do you know where you are, not that it matters much at this point? Did you mandatory daytime reboot nap these two months more than ever before, especially from early mid-May on? I’ve mentioned the need to not fight or feel guilty about those sudden out-of-the-blue mandatory daytime pass-out reboot naps over the past few years but May 2018 took the Ascension Process (AP) record for this so far! And thank goodness because there’s been so much going on at higher NEW levels which is why we’re needing to mandatory daytime reboot nap almost every day now. Just do it because it’s mandatory and makes these ongoing embodiments and Embodiments faster and believe it or not much easier.

Amplified Pains, Increased Reboot Naps, Greater Personal Energy, Feeling Amplified Sexual Energies


“I am not feeling any communication like I used to have with higher self or guides or having any ” magical” experiences. In fact I feel more grounded and 3D capable then ever. In fact I recently went back to work for the first time in 12 years and am doing great. Anyone else experiencing that?” — Debbie


I intentionally waited to respond to this aspect of Debbie’s question in this article and not my previous one because I’d planned on talking more about how many of us have been and continue to feel big impressive positive energy increases in our physical bodies finally. I began feeling this around mid-April 2018, but it’s amplified tremendously ever since with May being rather extreme and why we’ve been needing almost daily mandatory daytime reboot naps.

Now I know many will misinterpret what I just said so let me clarify. As with all aspects and layers of the AP there are multiple things happening simultaneously and this is just another case of this. I mentioned in April that I was suddenly dealing with pretty extreme physical pains in one heel bone, parts of the foot and toes, ankle(s), the legs up into the lower spine, pelvic area, hip joints and tailbone. This pain has been consistent since April but, simultaneously to all that new severe pain has been an impressive increase in my personal inner energies. I’ve gotten more accomplished physically throughout April and May 2018 than the past two years despite these recent new/NEW pains that have at times made it hard to put weight on my feet and walk. How can that seeming contradiction be?

NEW higher frequency Light energies often cause physical pains in our bodies because them being Embodied at the time into lower frequency bodies causes reactions until we adjust, integrate, acclimate and fully Embody them. This Alchemical Process we do over and over and over again because this is us climbing the evolutionary AP Stair-steps in-body and each time at slightly higher, larger, more potent and rarefied frequency levels than each earlier time. Higher frequency Light energies typically causes some level of pain when encountered and Embodied but, because of our doing that we’re simultaneously “upgraded” energetically and physically. This ongoing AP has reached the level where many of the First Everything-ers are finally noticing rather impressive improvements in their physical bodies energy-wise and expanded and ongoing Higher Awareness of more and more things, situations, people, events and so on. Said simply, it’s finally gotten obvious to even us that we are much more than we used to be and we know there’s so much more of this coming for each of us and therefore for mass humanity as well.

One common but slightly strange or embarrassing side effect of our current level of embodiment and/or Embodiment of greater and higher frequencies is amplified physical body energy. This is often and typically felt, perceived and interpreted by us and our physical bodies as increased and amplified “sexual” energy. Increase the energies we’re able to Embody and make them much higher in frequecny and they’re often first felt as “sexual” when they are not that at all. Energy is energy but again, we’re talking about our physical bodies embodying more and more higher and higher frequency Light energies.

Since this started for me in 2015, I often wake up from these mandatory daytime reboot naps with greatly amplified energies in my physical body that not only feels like I’m vibrating internally faster and more powerfully every day, which I am, but it also has a side effect of feeling like amplified sexual energies. This is a case of suddenly passing out in the daytime because you are going to be Embodying more NEW higher frequency Light energies and codes very quickly and it’s faster and easier to do so when not in your physical body. This causes some physical pains anyway but Lead to Gold and all that. 😉 Then you wake up from your sudden daytime reboot nap and instantly feel like a super-charged sex machine! What?! Why super-charged amplified sexual sensations in the physical body?

Because humans have been running, existing and functioning on a very, very low level of basic God-given vital life-force energy in old 3D Earth life and reality, and Team Dark and human parasites sucked off as much of that as they could without killing you outright, when they suddenly embody more and higher frequency energies than they’re used to, it’s often felt and interpreted as “sexual” energy when it’s simply greater energy. This is comparable to giving a person whose starved most of their life a massive and endless All You Can Eat buffet! They go a little nuts with the sudden access to such increased amounts of food fuel and their physical body has to learn how to deal with and utilize all that new-to-them energy. We are experiencing the same and this will only increase and amplify throughout 2018 and beyond.

Photon Band Of Light Is Like A Lengthy Cosmic Car Wash


If you’re familiar with my writings, you know that I often perceive complex higher information in the form of simplified visuals that very accurately says it all. This imagery I’m going to share next is another of these. I also often have corresponding popular songs that match what I’ve Seen and understood visually at higher levels of awareness so it’s sometimes like a symbolic cartoon musical visual party in my head. And you thought Mastery was all fluff n’ holier-than-thou type stuffiness. Not hardly, and isn’t that the best news ever! So, with that in your HighHeart, please hit the mental play button in your head to that popular old song Car Wash as you read and visualize this next part.

Think of the Photon Band of seventh dimensional (7D) Light as an energetic, karmic cleansing, lower-frequency removal “car wash” for entire planets and planetary systems and all lifeforms that exist on them like humanity on ascending Earth. Visualize the Photon Band of Light like a huge and lengthy cosmic car wash that Earth and humanity and all life on it has been slowly moving deeper and deeper into since around 1980ish. Think about being in this Photonic Light “car wash” in 2018, which means we’re deep into it now and enough dirt and grime from our ongoing AP Road Trip has been washed away so far and revealed sections of NEW vehicle with NEW paint and NEW body underneath.

You know how some physical car washes that automatically pull your car through it have different sections that do different but specific things to the vehicle at each section? There are sections that only spray water on your car, sections that only spray soap on it, sections that only rub, spin and swish the dirt off it. Then your car enters other sections where it gets more water sprayed on it to blast off the soap and dirt to prep it to enter the next section where the wax spay turns on when your car enters that section. Then after the wax spray section, your car enters an area with powerful air blowers that blow and push the remaining water off your car so there’s less work for the human to then manually finish drying and detailing it.

Now take that visual of an actual physical car wash but turn the car or truck into planet Earth and our solar system, and the different sections in the long car wash different steps, phases and layers of transformational 7D Photonic Light that is quite effectively washing Earth, humanity and all life on Earth and the entire solar system and beyond. Not only is this 7D Photonic Light a cosmic “car wash”, but it’s also washing, rinsing, washing again, rinsing again, applying spray wax, spray shine, blow-drying and detailing every inch and speck of each one of us and all planets and everything else that enters and eventually passes through it. That’s what the Photon Band of Light automatically does, and it takes some time and Work to get clean and clear to be able to become something NEW and much improved.

As we journey deeper into the Photonic Light that is our symbolic cosmic “car wash” for anything that enters it, each section and area in it has different things it does much like the physical car wash. Each of these different sections in the Photon Band of Light automatically trigger different transformational things within humans and planets etc. and with that naturally comes the ongoing changes both within each of us and our physical bodies but our consciousness and all else too, including our external reality and Earth herself. This has a lot to do with why more and more people have been Seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling and knowing more things from a higher and expanded level of perception. Each next section within this AP Photonic cosmic car wash causes us to be in and perceive slightly different levels of reality, different realities entirely, different dimensions, different timelines, different energies and beings and so on.

Due to the tremendous acceleration and amplification of the overall AP and the increase in our mandatory daytime reboot naps so far in 2018, far more Forerunners have been perceiving reality/realities disappearing in varying degrees, linear time simply not there anymore or if it is it’s only for short periods, physically and clairvoyantly seeing and Seeing increased phenomena or anomalies in the space around them and, in their own bodies and energy fields. I’ve Seen and heard and felt and known some things just in April and May 2018 that have been so different and amplified that I know we are making far more and far faster ascension related progress than most realize yet. Yes there’s increased physical pains but there’s also simultaneous increased inner energy that we’ve Embodied in just April and May, which is a big hint at what June and the summer/winter quarter will bring in! Each section does what it does and also prepares us to enter the next section or energetic Stair-step within this cosmic car wash. Expect miracles, intend miracles, Consciously Create more miracles for Self and All. We’re deep enough in the Photonic Light car wash where this is the next level and phase for the First Everything-ers. ❤

Copyright © Denise LeFay & HighHeartLife, 2018. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you do NOT alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice are included.

Denise Le Fay

May 31, 2018

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.<3

Kate Spreckley: Energy Report – May / June 2018 | Spirit Pathways

Courtesy of Forever Unlimited

Energy Report – May / June 2018

by Kate Spreckley

It’s been a ‘dark night of the soul’ kind of time recently with many feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated. The fact is our experience of life is changing, reality is transforming and our perceptions are shifting. Consciousness is expanding as humanity rises to a new level of awareness and understanding.  How we view our lives, our relationship and our world is altering.  The structures of the past are collapsing and a deeper awareness of our purpose on this planet is emerging.  As a result, everything is changing and nothing is certain.

These changes are being supported by planet Uranus’ move into the astrological sign of Taurus.  This is a significant shift, which is calling for a new consciousness to develop around how we physically exist on the Earth. Uranus is the planet of radical revolution. Its move into Taurus means  Please continue reading

Jamye Price: June 2018 Ascension Energies – Earth Family

Forever Unlimited

June 2018 Ascension Energies – Earth Family

The accompanying video to this article can be found here.

May Review

May had the energy of Peaceful Heart, and it was an interesting flow. I had a deep processing prior to the monthly energies teleclass. I had a flash of feeling like my heart area was a vacuum, a deep magnetic pull.

Then my head and crown chakra were so activated it was uncomfortable and I just had to rest and zone out for the day. Concentration or focus was not possible. During the teleclass, there was a transmission where the energy was similar. Heart healing, crown activation. Anchoring more of your divine nature.

I also noticed in May that grounding was not as easy. Our frequency is constantly amplifying (in this Year of Amplification according to…

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The Awakening of Involution

Winging with Whitehawk

There is a type of loneliness that transcends all others. It isn’t born from lack of company, and doesn’t share the joys of an inner rich world that comes with solitary introversion. Nor has it anything to do with depression, but rather, this kind of loneliness is a spiritual affliction. This loneliness brings feelings of emptiness, of having nothing, and having an extraordinary uncertainty in everything.

This feeling is a rare experience that comes to a person who has seen too deep and too much. Yet it is the beginning of what I call the process of Involution. These people have become aware of the unreality of their lives. They become increasingly concerned about their lives which bring them pain, yet they still aren’t sure of the source. To them, the ordinary structure of society loses its values as they realize the fictitious nature of this…

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Ascension New Earth — Your Creative Choice! ~ May 30, 2018

Rose Rambles...

We have come upon a moment in history, a turning of the tides, a reflection of self as all mirrors lead to the light that was within us all along. We are learning as a co-creative species that there is indeed more to this matter than the density once taught to us in outdated text books at schools. We have begun to understand the dualistic nature of reality, the fabric of space time and the bending of light forms at will to create what feels more abundant, joyful and loving.

Yet there is still alignment to fear, struggles, abandonment, jealousy, judgment, hate, anger, greed, envy, frustrations, resentment, attachments, neediness, expectations and STORY.

The break away is the simplistic answers that spirit continues to download in a multiple of different tones, messages, languages and activations.

The answers are no more complex than needing to understand a children’s book for five year olds yet we seek to complicate…

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LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Clearing Attachments”

Dreaming With Dolphins

Attachments can be a part of the following: elementals, Dead Energy, Fragments, demonics, earth bound souls, Negative Aliens, collective thought-forms, ancestors, Etheric Weapons, geo-pathic stressors (curry lines or static energy fields) and just plain bad energy (reversed life force) deposited into the land mass, in houses, places of worship, or any other space a person walks around on the ground. This kind of negative energy can build up in a person’s Aura and make one feel physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually sick. This is similar to understanding if our life force and aura are not circulating properly we can have “clogged pipes” that make us feel un-well. If we have an entity attachment in our aura it can make us feel sick, slimed, and not ourselves. Most humans are not aware if a massive trauma happens on a land mass at any point in time, that energy is stuck there…

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You are as you have always been

Love's Beginning

Awakening requires that rather than merely going with the reactions of the third-dimensional being, you begin to question, you begin to observe, you begin to feel, you begin to think more deeply.
The Way of Mastery, Part Two: The Way of Transformation, Shanti Christo Foundation

Good news! You don’t need to change anything about yourself. There’s nothing left to do. The ego doesn’t like to hear that, though. Can you feel that? Even though there’s nothing left to do, the doing still happens. You’re here, hanging out in time and space, and the doing still happens. The experiencing and the expansion still happens. Change still seems to happen.

Take a look at the source of your doing today. Take a look at where the doing comes from and how it feels. You will find many points of contraction where you can invite the original energy of you in…

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Shards of Unity

Cosmic Composure

An Article by Doug S., MA, MSW, LCSW

Om Mani Padme Hum

Late one Sunday night in April, 2013, I was writing up my counseling notes after a long day of seeing clients.  All alone in the office, I usually cranked up some loud music to keep me awake and to let off some steam from hours of holding space for others.  I heard/felt a voice that said, “Listen to a chant.”  Surprised, I followed this nudge and typed, “Buddhist chant” in YouTube.  I clicked on a chant that I had never heard before called, “Om Mani Padme Hum.”

As the sweet melody opened up, I became aware of a kind of golden warmth falling all around me like soft dew.  My heart seemed to open up and a burst of joy welled inside of me.  That was the opening wave of my awakening which soon led me…

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Sarah Varcas: June 2018 Astro-Energy Report: The Alchemy of Emotional Expression

Forever Unlimited

 Astrology of June 2018, Energy Report, Mars in Aquarius, North Node in Leo, Mercury in Cancer, Eris, Uranus in Taurus, new moon in Gemini, Venus in Leo, Saturn in Capricorn, Neptune retrograde, Pluto in Capricorn, Sun in Cancer, Mars retrograde, full moon in Capricorn, Mercury in Leo

June 2018 finds us in the ‘waiting room’ of the next eclipse season beginning in July. How we manage the waiting, the growing sense of anticipation or anxiety, the mounting tension… or is it excitement?….depends largely on how happy we are to let things fall into place. Or would we rather force them there, before discovering we’ve jammed yet another square peg into a round hole?! Mars in Aquarius conjunct the South Node through June and July reminds us detaching from our desires can be useful when progress is slow. It doesn’t mean we must abandon all hope and give up the ghost, but it can be helpful to turn down the heat on our expectations and demands when the universe has a different timetable to our own! Then we can relax despite the stress…

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Follow Your Dreams

Moments with Millie

For as long as I can remember I have ached to live and travel to all corners of the world. I have yearned to hear stories told and shared from everywhere. I’ve wanted to touch and inhale the essence of humanity, the borders of humanness. I’ve wanted to study empathy and compassion and what moves us to be who we are. I’ve been fascinated by spiritual and philosophical issues.

Reality has stopped me. I have had many lives in five decades. I have lived splendidly in ways that could fill several lifetimes. However, the edge of civilization is still waiting. It is luring me strongly. The gypsy in me has been held captive for most of my life. And this is alright! No shame in living a magical life full of lessons and experiences because that has brought about my authentic evolution. But, as of late, something has occurred: the…

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DNA Upgrades ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

Rainbow Wave of Light


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been on the lookout for some of you who have achieved a certain level of mastery in your lives, because those of you who are leading the evolution of consciousness movement are significant and your numbers tell us what the rest of humanity is ready for. Beings from all across the galaxy, like ourselves, are constantly taking the temperature of humanity to see what you can handle, energetically, and what information is going to serve you the most.

There are enough masters present on planet Earth today to warrant giving you the transmission that we are giving you right now. We want you to recognize that you don’t always receive the transmissions in the way that you think you are going to receive them. Sometimes our transmissions come through the animals, and sometimes…

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RETURN TO YOUR TRUTH: Planetary Clearing Report: It Ain’t Your Fault … You’re Not Alone. Gaia’s “Original Descent Into Hell” Trauma, Comes Up For Clearing

Forever Unlimited

Planetary Clearing Report: It Ain’t Your Fault … You’re Not Alone. Gaia’s “Original Descent Into Hell” Trauma, Comes Up For Clearing

May 28, 2018  |  The Unknown Lightwarrior  | RETURN TO YOUR TRUTH

There was massive interference for the audio version of this report on yesterday’s (downloadable) episode of Ground Crew Command, that took a few minutes to clear. So that’s usually an indicator (some say confirmation) that this report was ‘right on the money’.

As promised, here’s the text version … And leave your input in the comments section below, in case you saw & experienced more, that can add to this report & or is related to this 22nd of May period.

If you’ve been feeling like curling up into a ball (these past 2-4 days in particular) …

… or feeling like “I definitely can’t go any further … “

… or experienced major ‘off-gassing’ (release…

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Energy Update: Seven Signs Of 5D Activation

SoulFullHeart Experience

By Jelelle Awen

The month of May, 2018 has been intense in terms of energies…! It has been offering 5D upgrades to our emotional bodies, physical bodies, chakral vortexes, DNA, and social/relationships too.  There have been waves of PURE love bliss 5D frequencies rolling in frequently all month. Then, phases of winds brought us surges of geomagnetics from a large coronal ‘hole to make us whole’ on the sun’s surface. We even had some ‘minor’ SOULar flares from sunspots this month, offering a surprising plasma BOOST. The 5/5 gateway swung open this month too, offering an open house feeling of access to our 5D consciousness, Star Family, Higher Self, and Divine Guides/Aspects.

This last week of May we have the FULL moon energies offering Divine Feminine illumination and some much needed integration of these activations and upgrades. The month will complete with more geomagnetics coming in at the end of…

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Edible Landscaping Secrets

Laura Bruno's Blog

I get so many questions from people about permaculture, edible landscaping, Robinhood roses, and “permaculture in pots” that I thought I’d list some of the top things I’ve discovered here. This is by no means a comprehensive post — just sharing some of the beauty and a handful of general tips. (If you would like personal assistance with your own situation, this month’s Property Reading Special can include that.)

Combine Flowers with Veggies:

One of the easiest ways to sneak edibles into a “regular” landscape is to intermingle them with flowers. Passersby will notice the blooms but not the edible. This purple iris and columbine camouflage purple and green radicchio. The taller, vibrant plants distract critters from the radicchio, while the lower radicchio covers the soil and keeps it from drying out so fast. The radicchio is so well hidden that I forgot it was even there, until I found…

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What will you channel?

Love's Beginning

Love is that which erases the imprint in the depth of the subtle soul.
The Way of Mastery, Part Two: The Way of Transformation, Shanti Christo Foundation

Are you ready to let go of all the old programming yet? Is there anything left to hold onto? Is there any way in which you’re not supported right now? Is there any reason not to trust love, what you are, the all of All? See what arises as you ask these questions. Remember your willingness to release, and know that life experience will act as a broom to sweep anything you don’t need out of your path. Life experience is assisting you in dropping all the attachments you don’t need. Anywhere your energy is not flowing smoothly, life experience is coming to you as a perfect gift every day to help you settle that old pattern of disturbance.

Is there…

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THE EVENT CHRONICLE – Revolutionary Thoughts That Will Help You Improve Yourself To A Whole New Level

Courtesy of Higher  Density Blog

THE EVENT CHRONICLE – Revolutionary Thoughts That Will Help You Improve Yourself To A Whole New Level – by Life Code Coach – 5-30-18

9 Revolutionary Thoughts That Will Help You Improve Yourself To A Whole New Level


By Life Coach Code

We have come to the pont in time where more and more people are embracing new ideas, thoughts, or concepts that can revolutionize their lives.

These radical thoughts are very helpful in our quest for growth and self improvement.  Please continue reading

Coming Unbound: liberation & the new earth –

Courtesy of

Now that the feminine principle of Life is finding Her liberated physical expression, it is time to bring the masculine principal into balance to begin co-creating with brand new potentials. To do this effectively is to unleash the raw expression of our primordial  Please continue reading

Source: Coming Unbound: liberation & the new earth –