Wishing upon the Sirius Blue Star…on this new moon


At the SoulTalk channeling course last year, a participant asked cosmic master Thoth for an indicative timeline for the possible re-emergence of Atlantis, which would mean a collective 5th dimensional reality being re-created on Earth. I remember Thoth’s response quite vividly: “Whilst that eventuality cannot be marked by a linear timeline, it can occur when humanity remembers and reverts to the ancient practice of marking time and creating group experiences based on the cyclical rising and disappearance of the Sirius blue star from the Earth’s sky“.

Fast forward to this morning. When I was intuiting a theme to go with this first new moon message for 2020 and to kick off the new decade, my guides directed me to this article on the internet, Jersey Skies: The brightest star in the night sky makes an appearance this week” (by Kevin D. Conod, 20 January 2020). Could…

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Author: dreamweaver333

I love to listen to the whispering of spirit.

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