Transcending the Matrix Control System

Attaining spiritual freedom through knowledge, wisdom, and awareness. Requires knowing the dark and seeking the light.


There is far more to this world than taught in our schools, shown in the media, or proclaimed by the church and state. Most of mankind lives in a hypnotic trance, taking to be reality what is instead a twisted simulacrum of reality, a collective dream in which values are inverted, lies are taken as truth, and tyranny is accepted as security. They enjoy their ignorance and cling tightly to the misery that gives them identity.

Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. Read more

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Source: Transcending the Matrix Control System

This is Our Earth Now!

Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black PhotoChanneled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s February 24, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at  You’re the candle of love and joy in heavy environments – a concept you’re starting to accept. You no longer need to hide yourself or your power. Nor do you need to be concerned about the outer-directed power of others. For when you hold your light high, those fears, those outer-directed beings will dissolve or claim the light.

“Opening Your Pressure Cooker” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You are much different from yesterday – the day before the solar eclipse – or even the day before. Perhaps you are not noting a great deal of change for you awoke in the same bed and are in the…

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James Gilliland Update – There Will Be a Day of Reckoning! – 2-16-17

Higher Density Blog

Thanks to  Rumor Mill News

Transcending the Psychic Sludge

by James Gilliland

Feb 26, 2017

Recently because of Global and local events there has been heaviness – a barrier so to speak – between clear guidance and the chaos of social consciousness. There are ascension waves that are exponentially getting stronger to help in the awakening and healing process yet it seems we have been caught in the muck and the mire. On the Island of Maui there has been a long battle against Monsanto; which has lead to a lot of disheartening along with a complete disregard for the will of the people. There were the elections with so many of the masses misinformed with the fake news, social programming by the main stream media along with movements funded by the globalists to create separation and division. Division between the races and gender preying upon the wounds and…

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Higher Density Blog



February 26, 2017
Dear ones,
As this epic eclipse is occurring, along with a geomagnetic storm and other celestial events, we are experiencing the final purging of old energies that no longer serves us. We as a collective have not experienced these same type of energies since Yeshua walked upon Gaia over 2,000 years ago.

While the cosmos is doing its part in creating a new world, what work should we be doing here on earth?

When I officially left the matrix last September, I was called by Prime Creator to trust in the universe, I did just that. I left the life that included all the dependencies of the matrix. I walked away from a long career with top security clearances in the government that also included…

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BOB MANGROO: “Old Soul In The New Energy”

Dreaming With Dolphins

Advance Of Dream

“If you feel within that you are a spiritual worker (an “old soul”), then this is an important time.  You have been working on this shift for humanity for many lifetimes as an integral part of this healing process for planet Earth!  All intentions, meditations, prayers, activities and self-insight have all come together to change human consciousness.”

~Bob Mangroo

Many people have been experiencing an energetic burst of energy and are unsure of what it is attributed to.  It could be from solar flares and coronal mass ejections or it might be the energy being sent from the galactic center of our galaxy.

As we look at the world today, it is tempting to think of it as dark and falling apart.  We are, however, in a transition process.

Humanity is moving into higher consciousness, and we now have more positive energy on the planet than we have negative.  For…

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“Deal Fatigue” – Intel SITREP – 12:00 EST – Sunday ~ February 26, 2017

Rose Rambles...

Received via email at 12:00 PM EST for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles

The goal of the NPTB has always been to wear down the will of the cabal through steady and unrelenting progress. Like running water eroding a mountain. They knew that constant pressure was the only way to eliminate the beast from any participation in the inevitable new world of love and light.

When each of you jumped into the RV vortex it was an individual choice. However, few knew what it would actually take to redeem these currencies because even fewer knew that all GESARA mandates had to be achieved first.

This created unprecedented timing expectations for currency holders, which created intense deal fatigue realities, which created heightened sensations of anxiety, animosity even anger, which lead to hyper desperation and ultimately caused most to emotionally drop out of believing in the RV or a better future for humanity…

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Until the End of Time, We Will Speak of Peace: Anica, feat. Pleiadians (video) – Luminous Dimensions

Courtesy of Luminous Dimensions

Read the full written message here.

Source: Until the End of Time, We Will Speak of Peace: Anica, feat. Pleiadians (video) – Luminous Dimensions

What is the Significance of the Time Shifts Every 30 Days? |

Understanding more about the time shifts and a bit on Atlantis.


Time is an illusion which is created by the energy of Source stepping down in quantum from higher to lower accretion levels and the process of experiencing the illusion of time is the process of re-accreting the energy of Source from lower to higher levels of accretion. Read more

Source: What is the Significance of the Time Shifts Every 30 Days? |

HighHeartLife – Evolving from 3D to 5D — Denise Le Fay

Why Were Dark Beings Allowed To Enslave Humanity?

❓  “Why would the Supreme Creator, God, whichever one feels comfortable using, allow the creation of humanity to be enslaved by Dark Beings? I really don’t understand this. Can you shed any light on this?” — R****

❓  “They say all the time this is a free will universe. Not if you are incarnated into limited knowing and ones who aren’t in a limited-knowing matrix can mess with us all they want. Its not free will if those on this planet are not aware of it and yet it is allowed to happen.” — Christie

devil-pushing-puppet800x641I’ve been asked this same question R**** asked by different readers over the years, but this time I’m going to respond in a public article instead of a private email. Also, I’ve quoted a Comment by Christie from another article because it’s an extension of R****’s question.

So the question is, why would Source/The All That Is/God etc. allow Dark Beings or Team Dark as I call all of them for ease and speed, free reign over mass humanity, and, for so long based on human perspective? To answer that, one first needs to pull way back, no much farther out, and secondly realize that all galaxies are not focused on the exact same educations and/or experiments. Think different cosmic spiritual schoolrooms, entirely different schools, collages and universities. There are some galaxies, and universes for that matter, that have never focused on Duality. There are some galaxies, and universes, that have focused primarily on Unity or Oneness and have not experimented with separating from Source, have not externalized and/or individuated like we have in this galaxy and many others. This universe has been very much about projecting many aspects of Source/God out into Its externalized creations for the purpose of entering them to learn more and create more. There are galaxies and universes that haven’t done this but remained closer to Home so to speak. 😉 Then there are those galaxies and universes that are so profoundly different from us and what we’re familiar with that it’s almost impossible for us to comprehend or even imagine them.

There are galaxies and universes that haven’t dropped or temporarily removed much of their natural Light LOVE Source Selves to leave Home and intentionally insert themselves into an externalized Source-created place/space/location/dimension/planet/star etc. with the purpose of learning within that setting and those energies and that level of consciousness and so on. Again, think different schools and universities where different things can be learned and experienced in each of them. And, keep in HighHeart consciousness that what’s available to be experienced and learned at one cosmic spiritual dimensional school, college, university is not identical to what’s available at others. People carefully choose which physical school, college or university they want to go to for a number of reasons; so too do our Souls when deciding which and where and why we’re inserting, incarnating into any Source-created school for further education.

The second part of this cosmic spiritual school/college/university analogy is just like physical earth schools too and it has to do with time. Students don’t go to school year-round because classes end, classes expire and the student then typically moves on to the next higher grade of education with matching topics of study etc. The same thing is true with galaxies and universes; there are Expiration Dates naturally pre-set into every Source-created galactic and universal school/college/university that Souls insert themselves into to learn more. People are more familiar with these pre-set dates as different lengths of cosmic and galactic cycles. 

Now superimpose that information over the two questions.

In this neck of the cosmic galactic universal woods, not only was projecting aspects of our intentionally fragmented Divine Source Selves out and/or down into one or more of Source’s externalized creations (holograms, greater or lesser densities, dimensions, physical worlds, realities or whatever you want to call them) such as physical 3D Earth world and reality, we’ve also been within the schoolroom of Duality for this past very long cosmic and galactic cycle because it was the primary lesson here in density during that past Great Evolutionary Cycle (of 225-250 million give or take years).

Because Source isn’t stupid, there is always but always a natural built-in Expiration Date to every one of these cosmic spiritual cycles with their schools. The cycles rotate and eventually we all reach the natural end of that phase and level of education within that phase and level of that particular school. We on Earth in the Milky Way galaxy and this local universe reached that natural Expiration Date on December 21, 2012. We had Three Days at that time—December 21, 22, and 23, 2012—to each have a private face-to-face with the Divine to go over our accomplishments to date and choose which things, which personal issues we each wanted to continue working on in ourselves for the Greatest Good Of All. After that I feel we had something akin to summer vacation during 2013, where we did our best to recover from everything that got us to that point! Then we reentered the Ascension Process fray again with the start of 2014, but, at a very different and NEW level and way of doing everything.

The December 21, 2012 date was the Expiration Date of the past Great Evolutionary Cycle(s) that all completed around that time. What that meant is that all those Dark Beings or Team Dark aliens and patriarchal reign on physical Earth reached it’s completion or “end times” indicating those nonphysical, nonhuman aliens and beings and incarnate physical humans aligned with and enslaved by Team Dark were no longer in control of mass humanity and 3D Earth, other planets in this Solar System, large parts of the 4D Astral and the 2D Elemental, and certain other locations, timelines and structures within this system.

What you must remember is that this is a Free Will Universe with a variety of very different schools in it with very different focused lessons and educations etc. In the 3D Earth it’s been Duality within very dense physicality while just about as far away from Source/God/The All That Is as one could believe themselves to be!

You see it’s not a case of God abandoned humanity to the evil Dark Beings, but that it was allowed because that was one of many possibilities within this past (12-21-12 ended) great cycle within the school(s) of Duality. This is an educational spiritual and energy course we all wanted to have, to experience firsthand, to wallow around in for as long as the class was available at that level and in that timeline. But, that timeline has completed within that past cycle and now we’re each being automatically and naturally energetically attracted to, drawn to a frequency match to what we are today in preparation to enter the NEW Great Evolutionary Cycle(s) at a NEW higher frequency and spiral. And for those who’ve learned all they can from Duality reality and consciousness, they’re now automatically drawn to the next higher frequency which is Triality —aka Unity— consciousness and matching reality/realities. And the Dark Beings or Team Dark do not exist at that level of development. Their reign has Expired for those evolving/ascending now. For those that are not evolving/ascending now, they’ll have another school in a much shorter cycle that’s even more dense and negative where they’ll eventually, hopefully realize that, lo and behold, the Light ain’t so bad after all! Free Will to wallow in even dirtier, nastier, more dense and evil negativity than what existed before the December 21, 2012 Expiration Date, all with the grand intention of helping them finally choose to turn back towards the Light.

Now to Christie’s statement about people being trapped by their own lack of awareness to the fact that they’re controlled by great negativity, we have to honestly look at the fact that each person can, at any moment, choose to think and feel for themselves. Yes the negative control has been horrendous and vile but each person can stop at any time and think to themselves, Am I free or enslaved? Do I want to be doing this? Are these my thoughts and beliefs or someone elses? Do I enjoy violence? Instability? Poverty, fear, hatred, wars, endless violence against other humans? Do I want to continue giving my power over to other people (“leaders” etc.) all the time? Every human can think thoughts like this, or not. If not, then those humans will be given even greater negative experiences until they do start to have those types of thoughts and emotions that are the beginning of remembering the Light.

If a student doesn’t pass a grade at the end of every school year, then they have to re-do that grade again until they do pass it. The same is true for Souls in spiritual cosmic schools, classrooms, collages and universities. Do it now or do it later makes no different at higher levels of being and awareness, only gaining as much as you can from the current education is important and evolving on to the next higher level of schools is. Now is the time of “Harvest”, of Graduation, of evolution, of ascension to the next higher level of being, consciousness and matching reality. Take advantage because it won’t be available again for a very long time.  ❤ ❤ ❤


February 26, 2017

heartdonate4Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange. ❤

copyrighthearts1Copyright © Denise LeFay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may not use my article(s) to create videos. You may copy and distribute this material so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

Evolving from 3D to 5D — Denise Le Fay

Source: HighHeartLife – Evolving from 3D to 5D — Denise Le Fay

LORD SANANDA via ELIZABETH TRUTWIN – Between now and Easter 2017 – The Big Reset Year – 2-18-17

Higher Density Blog


LORD SANANDA via  ELIZABETH TRUTWIN   –   Between now and Easter 2017   –   The Big Reset Year   –   2-18-17


Greetings this is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, February 18, 2017. Knowledge is Light and Light is Knowledge. This knowledge descends down to you on Earth from the Sun behind the Sun, the Etheric Helios and to your Great Central Sun the Etheric Alcyone, through your Sun Sol, also an Etheric Sun and the newly formed Etheric Christos Diamond Sun. This Plasma Energy within your Plasma Cosmos are the Light Codes, codes as in the meaning of Programming.


The Diamond Light Codes are transmitted into your body through your Crown chakra, your Crown as in your Holy Royal Inheritance. The Light Codes enter through the StarGate in your Crown where they are stepped down in frequency so they may be used by the Physical vehicle…

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The Arcturian Group ~ The Reclaiming of Innate Power, Love in Action ~ Feb. 26, 2017

Rose Rambles...


By Marilyn Raffaele, 02/26/2017

Dear readers, we meet with you in love during these times of so much seeming turmoil. Be not afraid, as all is as it needs to be for the evolution and growth of the majority. It is a time of confusion even for you who are awake, leaving many of you to question whether or not there really is an ascension process happening.  

You are witnessing the baby steps of awakening for those who have up to now accepted as truth everything they were told by governments, churches, and so called experts. Inner eyes are starting to open and with it, tiny buds of awareness are beginning to unfold. Many are suddenly realizing that much of what they have accepted without question has not been for the good of the majority, but has been instead for the good of a few.  

Observe the many…

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Keepers of the Golden Rays ~ Your Planet is Now in Transition to a Higher Way ~ Feb. 26, 2017

Rose Rambles...


By Sunaya/Susan, 02/25/2017

Channeling on Chemtrails

We called you to come forward and you have responded, despite your doubt and hesitation. We commend you for this.

You have been triggered to consider your connection to us, the Keepers of the Golden Rays – or the rays of the sun as you once knew it. We are the collective force responsible for the maintenance and calibration of these Divine Rays.

So many of you have noticed the difference in the light of your sun of late. You have commented on it to others, baffled by their lack of enthusiasm for what is so plain for you to see. We are calling your forward now to put a voice to this, for it is a crime against Mother Earth and all its residents that the light of the sun is being kept from you now. You know, in your heart, why this…

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MASHUBI ROSHELL: “Developing Discernment: Learning to See Truth in Today’s Complex World”

Dreaming With Dolphins


Learning to See Truth in Today’s Complex World:

A new time is upon us as the many challenges of today’s world escalate and cry out for healing.  What is needed now is concerted action on the part of each individual, to join together with others to create positive change in the world.  This is not always as easy as it sounds, for the problems we face individually and collectively are multi-layered, and the process of attempting to create positive change activates many forces that oppose change.

Another challenge faced by anyone who wished to help create positive change in the world, is that of developing discernment and the ability to see underneath the surface of things to understand what is really going on.  This ability to discern truth will become even more important in the years ahead.

In today’s world, there is much at stake and all of us have…

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Global Meditations on Eclipse SUNday | Sandra Walter – Creative Evolution

Received via email

Ready to Discover Your True Self? I AM!

Global Meditations on Eclipse SUNday

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Global Meditations occurring during the eclipse peak and our three Unity sessions on SUNday. This is a powerful Gateway for embodiment of the New HUman template, Christed/Crystalline Consciousness. Gaia’s Solar aspects, Grid activation and the massive stargate templates approaching for Solar activation on many levels.

We request every awakened Soul to be on board this SUNday, since this passage determines the strength of the March unfoldments. Encourage your groups, friends, communities to add as many souls to this activity as possible. Tremendous activation available with this influx. Our Higher Levels are holding the Gateways open for the collective. Read more

 In Love, Light and Service,

©2016 Sandra Walter – Creative Evolution In Love, Light and Service

Source: Global Meditations on Eclipse SUNday | Sandra Walter – Creative Evolution

Global Unity Meditations Every SUNday | Sandra Walter – Creative Evolution

Ready to Discover Your True Self? I AM!

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Thousands are participating and we request your light!

Join from wherever you are during these three 30-minute windows each SUNday:
8:11am Pacific Time, 11:11 am PT, and 5:11pm PT or meditate anytime on SUNday to feel the effects and add your energy to this collective intention of service.

Connect with the HUman Heart Grid, Gaia’s crystalline core, the Crystalline Grid, the New Grid systems, Solaris (the SUN), Great Central Sun, and Source. Meditate in stillness, focus on Pure Source embodiment and Global Peace, or use the guided Christ Light Activation meditation for expansion (many are having amazing results with this – free on youtube or mp3 via the download link below). Learn more

Sandra Walter is an Ascension Guide, Gatekeeper and Author assisting the awakened community through the Ascension process.

Source: Global Unity Meditations Every SUNday | Sandra Walter – Creative Evolution