You Are in Heaven’s Gateway: Asket of Temmer, Pleiadian

Time Transformers


We are Asket. In the world today, you have come to see a lot of disruption in the normal processes of nature and the normal processes of your social order. When order can be put aside and the muscle of human will can be pushed into the forefront of your world’s stage, so that that’s what you experience — the will of someone or something greater than your own making itself felt — the chaos that you experience in such times is something of a bewilderment to many of you, and we would like to point out today how within that chaos some pearl of order and perfection can be found.

In our own world, we’ve experienced throughout our history, and throughout the history of other worlds that we have inhabited, some echo you are experiencing now. Truly there is no end to the reverberations of history, and the cycles of…

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Author: dreamweaver333

I love to listen to the whispering of spirit.

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