New Earth DNA Activations

Heart Star

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Dear All,

Through this year, we’ll be sharing DNA activations for the 11th day of each month (2018 = 11), so in this post we’ll introduce the potential for 3-strand DNA activation which is crystallizing in the collective energy field, continuing to increase its vibrational imprint as the New Earth template aligns more strongly ~ as the ascended 5D Earth and 3D Earth layers harmonize and unify. The embrace is continuous from 5D ~ from Gaia’s heart and many loving beings holding the alignment steady ~ as the 3D grid and consciousness elevates to meet in the middle, and blossom into the unity-in-love energy of the New Earth, which already exists in the eternal Now.

The 11 ‘divine union and partnership’ vibration resonating through the collective consciousness this year is a great facilitator for these two layers coming into more tangible convergence in true sacred space, the meeting held steady…

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Author: dreamweaver333

I love to listen to the whispering of spirit.