Creative Intention is Love | Multidimensional Humanity

About the Author

Peter Borys-photo1Peter Borys Jr is an author, visionary, multidimensional transformation guide, dimensional evolutionist, and consciousness and energy researcher.  Peter’s work communicates a new vision of transformation, evolution, and ascension to a multidimensional cosmic humanity of the true self in Divine unity.

Creative Intention is Love

Creative intention is beyond thought and emotional frequencies.  If we choose, we can use the lower density energy configuration of thought and emotion as an initial template or guide.  However, the thinking mind and emotional system are not the frequencies of intention.  Therefore, as we continue to awaken to our Divine infinite consciousness, we will not use thought and emotion in the action of creative intention.

Intention occurs in heart consciousness through the knowing Light mind and the Divine feeling of the cellular body consciousness.  Creative intention is a knowing and feeling that transcends space and time.  It is the timeless infinite now of unity consciousness.  The frequency expression is a quiet interior action of the soul.  It is an active component of love that is so subtle that one does not feel any distinct demarcation of intention.  It feels like an arising wave that just is—an intrinsic knowing and feeling of the soul.

The intelligence of intention is our natural human being incarnate of a soul in Divine unity.  It is the emanation of Divine expression in the dimensional universe.  Intention is how the Divine soul expresses and experiences uniqueness in unity.  The frequency of intention is one with love and creativity within the dimensional hologram of the universe.  It forms the core essence of how we learn through love on Earth.  Intention is at the heart of creativity.

Intention is Love and Knowing Beyond Want and Desire

Because intention is a unified frequency of the infinite now that does not know separation, the emanation of intention is a harmonic pulsation that is beyond “wants” and “desires.”  In pure intention, there is no concept of wanting or desiring.  These concepts convey separation which means we do not have something.  If we are resonating with the disharmonic frequencies of not having something, then we are not coherent with the unity of intention.  This incoherence is a “want” which establishes an attachment.  The whole process of separation, want, and attachment is fear.  Want and desire is conditioned from the thinking mind’s fear.  The lower thinking mind restricts our attention from the awareness of the heart’s knowing where the intention lives in the now moment.  The intention is pure existence.  How can we understand the infinite intelligence of the action of creative intention that has no space, time, conflict, or separation, thus no want?

It is not easy to understand intention when we are receiving and transmitting consciousness with the linear left brain through thought, words, and emotional energy. We can only point toward this understanding through verbal or written language. We can only truly know intention from an inner heart knowing that is prior to its translation into lesser frequencies of language.  If we are using the physical frequencies of knowing and intention converted into language, we can only understand the pure intention level of creative being through love.

Within the dimensional hologram of the universe, Divine love as an infinite multi-frequency organization is the only resonance of creativity without want or desire.  The emanation of pure creative intention is love.  In creativity, the Divine knowing and feeling in unity is love.  Creative intention emanates from the core essence of beauty that is love.  We can intend our experience within the dimensional hologram by living in the love and appreciation of our intention.  We are loving our intention, not wanting or desiring our intention.

In Divine Awareness, Intention is Love

Love is the timeless state—no distance, no separation.  When we love our intention in this way, it manifests in the frequencies of the dimensional hologram on Earth.  As a Divine soul in Divine awareness, the intelligence that is love is all there is.  And within the all that is, there is a creative element that enables infinite experience through infinite love.  The creative element is known as intention.

Creative intention is the freedom of the soul.  It is the beauty, wonder, joy, peace, harmony, and unity of the never ending experience of the infinitely unique expressions of love.  It is this creative intelligence of love that organizes our freedom of intention to manifest experience.

Intention is a choice of experiencing in unique ways what we already have as a Divine soul.  Thus, no frequencies of lack, want, or desire.  Just a free choice of knowing and Divine feeling.  Through this knowing and feeling, the experience then manifests into the frequencies of the dimensional hologram.  This is the creativity of a Divine humanity.  In heart consciousness, we are aware of our creativity as an intention, and we are our intention through love.

The action of intention that emanates from love is the manifestation of the soul’s purpose as incarnate in the dimensional universe.   The core of life is a harmonic restful action which brings love into frequency expression.  Our creative intention within our Divine soul is our frequency emanation of the expression of our unique soul signature as an aspect of infinite Divine being.  May we continue to awaken to heart consciousness, and align with the harmonic flow of love and creativity that is our soul’s intention.

Creative Intention is Love | Multidimensional Humanity.

Author: dreamweaver333

I love to listen to the whispering of spirit.

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