Navigating Now

Koyopa Rising

My guidance this past week was to stop everything and listen. I thought this would mean rest and a break from the busyness for a time. Not quite. I’ll post these guiding messages when they drop in. Sending you all so much love and encouragement now. For many of us, this is what our souls came here to do. Right here. Right now.

These are downloads… drop-in messages for me and anyone else that finds value in them. As soon as I am able to unpack or decode from energy into words, I write them out until I get the cue from my solar plexus that it’s as clear and complete as possible.


If you’re having a hard time now and into 2020, refrain from going into auto-self judgment or comparisons to others in your familial groups or communities. This is a sacred initiation between you and your Source…

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Author: dreamweaver333

I love to listen to the whispering of spirit.

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