5 Monkey / CHUEN – A Divine Purpose: Day 5 of 13

Jaguar Spirit


5 Monkey / CHUEN


Greetings Kin,

Tone 5 holds the Intention of Empowerment. Representing the Center of the cube, Tone 5 facilitates dynamic growth as resources are drawn together. We are empowered by our Spiritual Tools, as we discern their service in application.

Monkey/CHUEN offers the perspective of a Creator. CHUEN is the Master of all Art and the Weaver of Time. The glyph illustrates “time rolled up” on the Monkey’s head. Monkey uses time to create the tapestry of our Life to create a thing of Beauty.

Human is a Creator of the Art of Living. Following the ways of the Monkey, our Lives can be turned into a Living Masterpiece. Our lives were all intended to be a Masterpiece of Beauty, manifested by the Unconditional Love of the Creator. Our lives will be a thing of beauty following Beauty and…

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Author: dreamweaver333

I love to listen to the whispering of spirit.