Moving Out Of The Warrior And Into Ambassador Of Love

SoulFullHeart Experience

By Jelelle Awen

We are being invited to move out of the warrior phase and into being an ambassador of Love for all aspects of self and toward others -

We are being invited to move out of the warrior phase and into being an ambassador of Love for all aspects of self and toward others –

So many timelines of fighting, battling, and BEing the warrior. Not just men, yet ALL of us on a Metasoul level choosing this expression in different forms and shapes. A sword, gun, whatever weapons in our hands…..or using words as the weapon….or energy thrown about and at whomever we have deemed to be the ‘enemy.’

This battling is in our DNA. It is also a galactic consciousness inheritance from our Star Family in the timelines where galactic wars have been and are a reality. Our 3D culture/current timeline is ALL about battling….good ‘vs’ evil, light ‘vs’ dark. All of the biggest blockbuster movies are based on this premise with ‘battle scenes’ being the climax of all of them.

Battles lead…

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Author: dreamweaver333

I love to listen to the whispering of spirit.