Sabrina Reber – Ascending Your Consciousness – 7-19-14

Higher Density Blog



1. You are aware of the term ascension. You understand that ascension is the process of integrating more LIGHT from your higher soul into your physical being through the process of meditation and ego/shadow work. Ascension requires us to SPIRITULIZE our lower being – taking dominion over our ego/shadow consciousness, which keeps us stuck in repetitive cycles of negative, unconscious, reactive, karmic behaviors. In essence, ascension is the activation and integration of our very on Christ Consciousness which is the consciousness of our higher soul that resides in a higher vibrating dimension within our energy fields. Ascension requires us to transmute the darkness within our lower selves/physical selves so we can raise the vibrational frequencies of our emotional, mental and physical energetic bodies so we can merge with the very high vibrating energies of our spiritual bodies where our higher souls/God selves reside.

2. You are aware that…

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Author: dreamweaver333

I love to listen to the whispering of spirit.

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